Pubg offline apk without internet : free pubg lite download
Pubg is the latest sensation on the internet. Many of us search for pubg offline apk as well as pubg lite app. The reason for this is either slow or no internet connection or low ram or space in our smartphone.
Pubg offline is actually a myth and many of us get trapped in it. We search for pubg mobile or pubg lite apk aver internet but we don’t know the fact that it is not available.
Pubg offline apk or pubg lite apk download
The simple answer to the question asked above is that pubg isn’t available for offline or lite version but you can still use it with slow internet connection. Here is the trick for it.
Pubg offline apk is not available but you can still use it with slow internet connection. Just follow the steps given below and you will get it for free.
- Click on the pubg and install it from google playstore.
- Many websites have listed pubg mobile offline apk on them but there is no such app available. You have to install the official app.
- Now, Don’t install any pubg mod apk as those apks are fake or not legal. You can get your account banned for the usage of it.
Click on the link given below to download the official app for pubg.
After downloading the official apk from above link, You have to download one another app from the playstore which is must for the pubg mobile offline usage.
After downloading the gfx tool, simply install it. As soon as you open the app, you will find various options to run the pubg offline game.
Choose the global version of the apk from it. Now, Make all the settings on the lowest as you can. Once you have turned everything to it’s lowest, launch the official app of pubg.
By this way, You can use the app with least or no internet usage. It will be nearest to offline when you use it in this way. Even a speed of 100kbps is enough for running the game.
This was the procedure for using pubg mobile offline app. If you want to use the pubg lite app then follow the procedure given below.
Pubg lite apk download
Many of us know the game named pubg and we play it on daily basis. It is one of the most successful game of 2019. Much better than fortnite with better realistic graphics.
But the pubg official mobile app is too big for some smartphone users. It is of 2 Gb in size and requires a smartphone with atleast 3 Gb of RAM to run easily.
We all are familiar with the official apk but many of us don’t have so much space in our smartphones, so we need pubg lite apk.
According to news & updates, there is no pubg lite apk present at the moment and many websites are giving fake app on the name of pubg lite apk.
Be aware of such websites and if you really want to enjoy such realistic graphics at such low RAM smartphones then you can play a similar game known as free fire.
Garena free fire has same realistic graphics as of pubg and it can easily be called as the pubg lite version app.
To download the apk, click on the download button below:
Download and install the apk from above to take the feel as how it would have been if pubg ever launched it’s pubg lite app.
So, this is the detailed guide for information about pubg mobile offline or pubg lite apk download.
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