Showbox is a free media streaming app for free playable content over your internet connection which is available premium by the hosts.
It comes with exciting features along with being a free media streaming app.
You are on this page so we assume you want to know more about Showbox app. Here is a detailed description of showbox app.
Showbox App Features:
It’s totally free. Yes, You don’t have to spend a penny to use it. No premium version no freemium bullshit.
Just download the app and start using the showbox apk for free.
Multiple Resolutions
You have the option to decrease the resolution so that you can enjoy the free stuff even on a slower internet connection.
Change the resolution to watch the show in higher crystal clear footage. Isn’t it a nice feature? Most of video streaming apps lack this feature.
Download videos on smartphone
Found free wifi connection at the bus station or in a cafe? Download your favorite shows from showbox and watch them later.
Yes, You can download the videos available on showbox directly to your smartphone and watch them later on.
Just click on the video you want to download and go to options and click on download.
You can download new videos of your favorite shows as soon as it is available from automatically download new episodes of your favorite shows option.
Not available on playstore!
The showbox apk is not available on the play store for a reason. It doesn’t have any malware or data theft.
We here fully check the app before uploading so don’t get afraid of malware but it isn’t available on playstore.
Since The app contains premium shows and videos for free. This is against google play policy. You shouldn’t watch premium videos for free over the internet.
This is against government policies so it isn’t legal thus, the app isn’t available on playstore.
But You can use it anyway if you want to just download the apk from here and start playing your premium tv shows for free over the internet.
How we earn?
We love to serve our visitors and users but for maintaining the servers and fulfilling the basic needs, we serve advertisements.
We have minimal advertisements in our app for earning a small part of your work.
Hope our beloved users don’t mind it.
I hope all your queries are solved and you have known much about us for more details you can refer to the FAQs section or comment below for any query.
We will love to help you out.